“Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” -Eleanor Brownn From physical, to mental, to emotional well being, the ancient practice of Yoga has contributed to the overall wellness of human life. Every time we feel like we are losing our grip on our physical or emotional health, yoga can come to the rescue and inspire us in different ways. There is no doubt that yoga is one of the finest paths to remain happy and refreshed in life. Another is... time on the beach and a time out from the day-to-day grind.
I'll be on leave for a few days this week in an effort to replenish, rejuvenate and reintegrate. While I'm away in Puerto Rico (Yay... my birthplace), on-demand will be available daily for unlimited subscribers - classes will be accessible daily for you to move and get your sweaty practice at any time with me, Demetra Kentrotas, Elinor Cohen, Leanne McDermott and others. SALE... Get multiple months of LIVE & On-demand yoga... for $155! If you're currently inactive, you can grab 2 months of UNLIMITED live sessions and access to our on-demand classes. Membership will activate upon payment. Grab this great deal NOW... it'll only last 48-hours upon receiving this email. PRIVATES: one-to-one work! If you want to set up any private sessions or events, please contact me through email. You can learn more about privates: CLICK HERE! OUTDOOR CLASSES... Long Island City's Hunter's Point Park (Oval Field) will be our location AGAIN for our scenic and blissful yoga sessions outdoors, along with dates in Manhattan's Central Park. We'll be flowing soon outside... emails will be sent for registration. Contact Victor to secure your spot. The weather has turned... Let's lay out in the sun, flow and practice in front of the NYC skyline. SINGLE CLASSES We've added single class purchases to our on-demand offerings. How does it work? A $17 payment will give you access to a single pre-recorded class with Victor or anyone on his staff. The private link with unique access code will give you entry to that class, which you can load anytime you want. You'll have 24-hours of unlimited access to that class. No refunds, returns and you must use that class within 24-hours of receiving it before it expires. YOGA AT OHHHMMM VIRTUAL SCHEDULE: MONDAY: 5/1/2023 NO CLASSES TUESDAY: 5/2/2023 NO CLASSES WEDNESDAY: 5/3/2023 NO CLASSES THURSDAY: 5/4/2023 NO CLASSES FRIDAY: 5/5/2023 NO CLASSES SATURDAY: 5/6/2023
*ALL CLASSES EST *SESSIONS 45/60 MINUTES *WAIVER STATEMENT: I understand that I must be in good physical health to participate in these classes, that my participation may cause an injury and that I should consult with my physician before I take a class. I am taking these classes at my own risk. I waive any claim for personal injury and any other damages that I may have against the school, studio and/or the teachers who are offering these classes. REGULAR RATES:(when submitting payment, in note section state email for delivery of services)
PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Vicyasa Paypal -- [email protected] NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™
“You and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean.” -- Alan Watts Sweating is essential for the human body to regulate itself. And during this transition to a warmer season, you'll be sweating more during yoga and throughout the day. But when is the best time to drink water so it complements your yoga? Your best strategy to prepare for a yoga class on hotter days is to drink plenty of fluids the day before a class and if on the same day, you should intake hydrating fluids 3-4 hours before. Make it water, nutrient-rich clear drinks or juice blends even sports drinks. Add to your day plenty of fruits and vegetables. And most of all, with any class, make sure to drink plenty of water to rehydrate after. If possible, avoid drinking water immediately before or during class. In addition to making our physical bodies feel inflated, consuming large amounts of water before or during a practice also interferes with our energy bodies; one theory says that sipping during yoga practice is akin to pouring water over our inner fire as we try to build it. In Yoga and Ayurveda, it is thought that a sip of water during practice disrupts the body’s energy and concentration. Hydration before will make you perform better, increasing strength and flexibility. A lack of water can damage the cardiovascular system & your body will have difficulties regulating itself. This makes yoga a strain and limits your performance. Hydration ensures that your immune system functions properly so that you do not get sick or feel stomach pains by flushing out toxins. Muscle weakness, muscle cramping, fatigue, irritability, and headaches are just some of the symptoms of electrolyte imbalance. Ultimately, a yoga practice can be used to reduce compulsions and become more comfortable with discomforts. When we lean into resisting the urge to drink water, or go to the bathroom, we become better at dealing with the discomforts of life such as hunger, thirst, or the weather. After yoga, feel free to drink your favorite tea, water, or electrolyte-enhanced water to replenish the body and get ready for your next practice. SALE... Get multiple months of LIVE & On-demand yoga... for $155! If you're currently inactive, you can grab 2 months of UNLIMITED live sessions and access to our on-demand classes. Membership will activate upon payment. Grab this great deal NOW... it'll only last 48-hours upon receiving this email. PRIVATES: one-to-one work! If you want to set up any private sessions or events, please contact me through email. You can learn more about privates: CLICK HERE! OUTDOOR CLASSES... Long Island City's Hunter's Point Park (Oval Field) will be our location AGAIN for our scenic and blissful yoga sessions outdoors, along with dates in Manhattan's Central Park. We'll be flowing soon outside... emails will be sent for registration. Contact Victor to secure your spot. The weather has turned... Let's lay out in the sun, flow and practice in front of the NYC skyline. SINGLE CLASSES We've added single class purchases to our on-demand offerings. How does it work? A $17 payment will give you access to a single pre-recorded class with Victor or anyone on his staff. The private link with unique access code will give you entry to that class, which you can load anytime you want. You'll have 24-hours of unlimited access to that class. No refunds, returns and you must use that class within 24-hours of receiving it before it expires. YOGA AT OHHHMMM LIVE VIRTUAL SCHEDULE: MONDAY: 4/24/2023
*ALL CLASSES EST *SESSIONS 45/60 MINUTES *WAIVER STATEMENT: I understand that I must be in good physical health to participate in these classes, that my participation may cause an injury and that I should consult with my physician before I take a class. I am taking these classes at my own risk. I waive any claim for personal injury and any other damages that I may have against the school, studio and/or the teachers who are offering these classes. REGULAR RATES:(when submitting payment, in note section state email for delivery of services)
PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Vicyasa Paypal -- [email protected] NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™
During the lifespan of our yoga asana practice, we may get injured but it doesn’t mean that we have to skip our yoga practice. Let’s find out how it is possible to maintain a steady and well-balanced regimen while paying attention to key areas that can commonly be effected:
HAMSTRINGS: Forcing your legs straight into any pose – whether you’re standing, sitting, or lying down – can damage your hamstring muscles. This kind of injury often builds up gradually into tendonitis or tears in the muscle fibers. If hamstrings are not your most flexible body part, apply added focus on contracting the front of your body (quads and lower abs) when you fold forward to let your hamstrings feel safe letting go (bending knees as well to accommodate your hamstring and lower back needs). Don’t use your hands to pull your body deeper into forward folds. Those of you with a lot of mobility in your hamstrings need to be cautious and focus on engaging your outer hip muscles, as it’s possible for you to overstretch and cause injury. SHOULDERS: Overuse and misalignment, poor body awareness can lead to loads of issues at your scapular-humeral region. Poses like plank, chaturanga, cobra pose, and upward facing are common culprits. I’ve also seen shoulder injuries arise due to students not listening to their bodies’ -- signs of fatigue. Don’t push through chaturanga when your body is screaming for a modification or a rest. Be sure to hug the elbows into the side body as you lower down through chaturanga (safely moving the elbow range of motion) and drop your knees down if this is hard to accomplish. Nail the elbows grazing into the ribs as you lower first – then try to lower down in one line with knees lifted. LOWER BACK: Among the most frequent yoga injuries, lower back pain is often caused by rounding your spine in forward folds or downward dog. Rounding and overstretching is a recipe for injury and irritation, as it causes your spine to flex the opposite way it is supposed to. Don’t shy away from bending your knees in forward folds; this allows your back to decompress and relax. Engage your lower belly in most poses – especially chair – as core strength contributes to a strong, healthy back. Keep a small bend in your knees throughout practice and remember to tuck your pelvis under your spine. NECK: Any time you apply pressure to your neck – such as during a headstand – you’re compressing your neck. This can lead to pain in your cervical vertebrae. Your neck is one of the scariest places to harm since it takes so long to heal properly. Never put pressure on your head in any kind of inversion – including when you prepare for full wheel. Don’t force yourself into poses that the rest of your body (shoulders, wrists, abs) isn’t prepared to support you in. When you have an injury it is an opportunity to deepen your practice on other levels.The truth is, your body knows what it needs to heal. Your job is to create the environment so that you are working in harmony with, rather than against nature: Plant the seeds so health and vitality can blossom. SALE... Get multiple months of LIVE & On-demand yoga... for $155! If you're currently inactive, you can grab 2 months of UNLIMITED live sessions and access to our on-demand classes. Membership will activate upon payment. Grab this great deal NOW... it'll only last 48-hours upon receiving this email. YOGA AT OHHHMMM VIRTUAL SCHEDULE: MONDAY: 4/17/2023
*ALL CLASSES EST *SESSIONS 45/60 MINUTES *WAIVER STATEMENT: I understand that I must be in good physical health to participate in these classes, that my participation may cause an injury and that I should consult with my physician before I take a class. I am taking these classes at my own risk. I waive any claim for personal injury and any other damages that I may have against the school, studio and/or the teachers who are offering these classes. REGULAR RATES:(when submitting payment, in note section state email for delivery of services)
PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Vicyasa Paypal -- [email protected] NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™
Studies of the last 30 years of clinical trials suggest that yoga can significantly improve pain, decrease disability and enhance mood in people with persistent pain. For decades, scientists and doctors thought that pain could be exclusively only by damage to the structure of the body. They looked for the source of chronic pain in bulging spinal discs, muscle injuries, and infections. More recent research, however, points to a second source of chronic pain: the distinct real biology of your thoughts, emotions, expectations, and memories.
Most chronic pain has its roots in a physical injury or illness, but it is sustained by how that initial trauma changes not just the body but also the mind-body relationship. There are stages to pain response: sensation, stress, and suffering. All three can be debilitating and cause ailing. The initial sensation can be pain, muscle aches, a cut, burn... these threats are detected by specialized nerves and sent through the spinal cord and up to the brain [Central Nervous System] where, among other things, the threat signals are transformed into pain sensations. To help you take action, the threat signals have been simultaneously routed to the areas of your brain that help the body launch an emergency stress response, coordinating the actions of the nervous system, endocrine system, and immune system. The emergency stress response triggers a cascade of physiological changes that give you the energy and focus to protect yourself from life-threatening danger. Even after the threat is gone, the pain response is not over. The mind and body are very interested in making sure you know how to protect yourself from this threat in the future. So the nervous system begins the process of learning from this experience. Any kind of injury or illness, even one that is short-lived or appears to be fully healed, can change the way the nervous system processes pain. The best way to unlearn chronic stress and pain responses is to give the mind and body healthier responses to practice. Relaxation specifically has been shown to be healing for chronic pain. It turns off the stress response and directs the body’s energy to growth, repair, immune function, digestion, and other self-nurturing processes. The relaxation response unravels the mind-body samskaras that contribute to pain and provides the foundation for healing habits. Consistent relaxation practice teaches the mind and body how to rest in a sense of safety rather than chronic emergency. Practicing restorative yoga poses turns on the healing relaxation response by combining gentle yoga poses with conscious breathing. Use Props: include the wall, a chair, a couch, pillows, blankets, towels, or bolsters designed especially for restorative yoga practice. The right support in a pose will make it feel effortless, so your body can fully let go. Although these poses may look as though you are doing nothing, this is far from the truth. Restorative yoga rests the body but engages the mind. The breathing elements of each pose make restorative yoga an active process of focusing the mind on healing thoughts, sensations, and emotions. Yoga can teach you how to focus your mind to change your experience of physical pain. It can give you back the sense of safety, control, and courage that you need to move past your experience of chronic pain. YOGA AT OHHHMMM VIRTUAL SCHEDULE: MONDAY: 4/10/2023
*ALL CLASSES EST *SESSIONS 45/60 MINUTES *WAIVER STATEMENT: I understand that I must be in good physical health to participate in these classes, that my participation may cause an injury and that I should consult with my physician before I take a class. I am taking these classes at my own risk. I waive any claim for personal injury and any other damages that I may have against the school, studio and/or the teachers who are offering these classes. REGULAR RATES:(when submitting payment, in note section state email for delivery of services)
PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Vicyasa Paypal -- [email protected] NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™ |
AuthorVicyasa™, your full-time dopamine dealer ... don't allow my confidence to offend your insecurity. Archives
February 2025