“The is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature – the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter." – Rachel Carson Spring ... the season of warmth and fertility, growth and abundance, and a real sense of "new beginnings", which makes it a great place to start cultivating a change to your seasonal rhythms. Below, you’ll find some key practices to help you connect more to Spring, which could make a real difference to how you feel in body and mind. YOGA POSES Whilst Winter is the perfect time for deep yin and restorative yoga, Spring is the time to bring in a little more movement and flow. If you feel as though you curled up and spent much of Winter in a hunched and rounded positions, this is a great time to reintroduce heart-opening backbends and postures that open the chest and lungs PRANAYAMA Kapalabhati breath (fire breath) is a great way to cleanse the sinus passages, as well as giving a boost of energy and clarity. Any type of deep, diaphragmatic breathing you’re able to practice will go a long way to boosting energy levels, brightening your mood, and encouraging more oxygen saturation in the muscles and organs. CLEANSING Spring cleaning isn’t just for the house. Although it’s always a good idea to clear stagnant energy and make space for new by taking a trip to the goodwill. We can clean our spaces and create a cleanse for our bodies. Open your windows and cleanse your house by smudging with sage or palo santo. Smudging is a common practice to purify energy of a space, or even yourself. Create a gentle juice cleanse for your body or even a fast. Fasting and cleansing have numerous health as well as spiritual benefits, including: reducing inflammation, better blood sugar control, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, boosts brain function, extending longevity to name a few. Of course, listen to your body and consult a professional before engaging in any fast or cleanse. Spring is an opportunity for renewal and rebirth—for planting seeds to nurture, and to witness the unending cycle of growth and change. It is also a reminder that we cannot be born again until we experience a sort of death—a shedding of old layers, habits, and outmoded beliefs. When we recognize that each waking moment is an opportunity to be born again, it is here, in the now, that we can experience the sheer joy of present moment awareness. LAST CALL... ONE ROOM AVAILABLE: YOGA RETREAT IN TULUM YOGA RETREAT -- VICYASA™ IN TULUM. LET'S GO TO MEXICO... only a week away to lock in on the final room -- $1,000 off! "The Wild Heart" retreat at Villa Pescadores in Mexico! Join Vicyasa™ & Luna Castilho March 31st - April 6th for daily yoga, excursions & much more. We'll have single rooms, shared rooms and loads of incredible options for dietary needs and anything to help your retreat one to remember. What else will we be doing? Journaling, meditation and activities along with chill time. For registration, CLICK HERE. Sui Yoga will be handling the bookings. If you have any questions, please let me know. To check out the venue, see their instagram HERE. Would love to see you in Tulum. YOGA AT OHHHMMM LIVE VIRTUAL SCHEDULE:
MONDAY: 3/25/2024 NO CLASSES TUESDAY: 3/26/2024 NO CLASSES WEDNESDAY: 3/27/2024 NO CLASSES THURSDAY: 3/28/2024 NO CLASSES FRIDAY: 3/29/2024 NO CLASSES SATURDAY: 3/30/2024 NO CLASSES SUNDAY: 3/31/2024 NO CLASSES *ALL CLASSES EST *SESSIONS 45/60 MINUTES *WAIVER STATEMENT: I understand that I must be in good physical health to participate in these classes, that my participation may cause an injury and that I should consult with my physician before I take a class. I am taking these classes at my own risk. I waive any claim for personal injury and any other damages that I may have against the school, studio and/or the teachers who are offering these classes. REGULAR RATES:(when submitting payment, in note section state email for delivery of services)
PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Vicyasa Paypal -- [email protected] NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™
THE VALUE OF SANSKRIT (This week's newsletter was composed by our dynamic on-demand teacher and full time writer Elinor Cohen. Check out her Instagram HERE and her amazingly empowering advanced & intermediate sessions on our on-demand archives.) Namaste. Asana. Dristi. Chakra. These beautiful words are derived from Sanskrit, one of the oldest ancient languages in documented history. Sanskrit is an Indo-European language, with roots dating back to the Ancient Greek times of c.750-400 BCE. Only a few areas of India still use Sanskrit as their main language; instead, it’s primarily used in Hindu religious texts, Budhhist hymns, and yoga classes. As a yoga practitioner, you’ve probably heard several Sanskrit phrases, either in classes or just around the yoga community. You may not have known what the words meant initially, but with time and repeated exposure it’s likely that you’ve become accustomed to one or two words - maybe you speak a little Sanskrit yourself! Only about 14,000 people worldwide still use Sanskrit as their primary means of communication, which poses the question as to why we use it in yoga. Sanskrit is a great way to connect back to the original lineage of yoga and pay homage to the practice’s most authentic tenets. In a way, it’s a form of going back to the origins and keeping things classic. Sanskrit is also good for clearing up confusion. Some English “translations” of poses yield different interpretations. For example, some people may call one pose “fallen triangle” while others may call it “fallen warrior,” but in Sanskrit, that same pose is simply called Patita Tarasana. Now that begs the question: if a teacher doesn’t use Sanskrit, does that make them any less qualified? No. Sanskrit is good, but in the West it’s not absolutely necessary in every class. Most teachers interweave it with the English translation of poses as a way to infuse the modern practice with the ancient. It’s up to the teacher, the studio, and the students as to how much Sanskrit is incorporated. Some students will respond better to it than others. Sanskrit is valuable but it’s really about how you use it and the intention behind its use. YOGA RETREAT -- VICYASA™ IN TULUM LET'S GO TO MEXICO! "The Wild Heart" retreat at Villa Pescadores in Tulum is right around the corner. Join Vicyasa™ & Luna Castilho March 31st - April 6th for daily yoga, excursions & much more. We'll have single rooms, shared rooms and loads of incredible options for dietary needs and anything to help your retreat one to remember. What else will we be doing? Journaling, meditation and activities along with chill time. For registration, CLICK HERE. Sui Yoga will be handling the bookings. If you have any questions, please let me know. To check out the venue, see their instagram HERE. Would love to see you in Tulum. ON-DEMAND ACCESS ONLY
Now you can subscribe to on-demand only and get access to our ever-changing archive of pre-recorded sessions. For $60 you get 30-days of on-demand accessibility. This package does not include live scheduled sessions. Upon payment, class access begins. PRIVATES: ONE-TO-ONE WORK! If you want to set up any private sessions or events, please contact me through email. You can learn more about privates: CLICK HERE! SINGLE CLASSES We've added single class purchases to our on-demand offerings. How does it work? A $17 payment will give you access to a single pre-recorded class with Victor or anyone on his staff. The private link with unique access code will give you entry to that class, which you can load anytime you want. You'll have 24-hours of unlimited access to that class. No refunds, returns and you must use that class within 24-hours of receiving it before it expires. You can request a teacher on our on-demand options... featuring Demetra Kentrotas (@d_meetch), Leanne McDermott (@leannerays ), Elinor Cohen (@elinorraerigby) and others. YOGA AT OHHHMMM LIVE VIRTUAL SCHEDULE: MONDAY: 3/18/2024 NO CLASSES TUESDAY: 3/19/2024 NO CLASSES WEDNESDAY: 3/20/2024 NO CLASSES THURSDAY: 3/21/2024 NO CLASSES FRIDAY: 3/22/2024 NO CLASSES SATURDAY: 3/23/2024 NO CLASSES SUNDAY: 3/24/2024 NO CLASSES *ALL CLASSES EST *SESSIONS 45/60 MINUTES *WAIVER STATEMENT: I understand that I must be in good physical health to participate in these classes, that my participation may cause an injury and that I should consult with my physician before I take a class. I am taking these classes at my own risk. I waive any claim for personal injury and any other damages that I may have against the school, studio and/or the teachers who are offering these classes. REGULAR RATES:(when submitting payment, in note section state email for delivery of services)
PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Vicyasa Paypal -- [email protected] NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™ “Our bodies are intuitively attuned with the earth’s natural rhythm—our inner universe is inherently harmonized with the universe that surrounds us,” -- Michelle Dalbec We all look forward to Daylight Savings, with its promise of long summer evenings and basking in the sun. But does the “spring forward” leave you feeling tired, groggy, and out of sorts? While a one hour shift might seem benign, it actually has quite an impact on the human system. Yoga, from mid-March to mid-May, is the time for cleansing, throwing, flushing, detoxifying, clearing the body waste and so on, in order to feel new, fresh, energetic, beautiful, healthy and light. Spring is all about working on the Agni (Manipura Chakra) to induce the fire in the belly to keep the digestive tract active and healthy. To reawaken and re-energize your body and mind in Spring, try more twisting postures such as Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes pose), reclined twists, and Parivritta Anjaneyasana (Twisted lunge). Core-focused asanas like Navasana (Boat pose) can boost circulation to the digestive system, and a few rounds of Surya Namaskar (sun salutations) each morning, is a great way to stimulate physical and subtle channels, raising your mood and energy. If the beginning of Spring is also the beginning of allergy season for you, then Kapalabhati breath is a great way to cleanse the sinus passages, as well as giving a boost of energy and clarity. If these tips have inspired you to start reconnecting with yourself and thus nature, the simplest way to begin to expand your warm months horizon is by heading outside. Which plants are growing around you? How does the sun feel on your skin? Which scents can you smell? Which colours can you see? How does Spring make you feel? YOGA RETREAT -- VICYASA™ IN TULUM LET'S GO TO MEXICO! "The Wild Heart" retreat at Villa Pescadores in Tulum is right around the corner. Join Vicyasa™ & Luna Castilho March 31st - April 6th for daily yoga, excursions & much more. We'll have single rooms, shared rooms and loads of incredible options for dietary needs and anything to help your retreat one to remember. What else will we be doing? Journaling, meditation and activities along with chill time. For registration, CLICK HERE. Sui Yoga will be handling the bookings. If you have any questions, please let me know. To check out the venue, see their instagram HERE. Would love to see you in Tulum. ON-DEMAND ACCESS ONLY Now you can subscribe to on-demand only and get access to our ever-changing archive of pre-recorded sessions. For $60 you get 30-days of on-demand accessibility. This package does not include live scheduled sessions. Upon payment, class access begins. PRIVATES: ONE-TO-ONE WORK! If you want to set up any private sessions or events, please contact me through email. You can learn more about privates: CLICK HERE! SINGLE CLASSES We've added single class purchases to our on-demand offerings. How does it work? A $17 payment will give you access to a single pre-recorded class with Victor or anyone on his staff. The private link with unique access code will give you entry to that class, which you can load anytime you want. You'll have 24-hours of unlimited access to that class. No refunds, returns and you must use that class within 24-hours of receiving it before it expires. You can request a teacher on our on-demand options... featuring Demetra Kentrotas (@d_meetch), Leanne McDermott (@leannerays ), Elinor Cohen (@elinorraerigby) and others. YOGA AT OHHHMMM LIVE VIRTUAL SCHEDULE: MONDAY: 3/11/2024 NO CLASSES TUESDAY: 3/12/2024 NO CLASSES WEDNESDAY: 3/13/2024 NO CLASSES THURSDAY: 3/14/2024 NO CLASSES FRIDAY: 3/15/2024 NO CLASSES SATURDAY: 3/16/2024 NO CLASSES SUNDAY: 3/17/2024 NO CLASSES *ALL CLASSES EST *SESSIONS 45/60 MINUTES *WAIVER STATEMENT: I understand that I must be in good physical health to participate in these classes, that my participation may cause an injury and that I should consult with my physician before I take a class. I am taking these classes at my own risk. I waive any claim for personal injury and any other damages that I may have against the school, studio and/or the teachers who are offering these classes. REGULAR RATES:(when submitting payment, in note section state email for delivery of services)
PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Vicyasa Paypal -- [email protected] NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™ Here is part 2 of our Teacher Feature with my colleague and co-host of ‘The Wild Heart’ Yoga retreat -which is right around the corner - the amazing Luna Castilho. Get to know her a tad more... and come meet her March 31 - April 6 at Villa Pescadores in Tulum Mexico during our yoga getaway.
QUESTION: What are challenging poses for you? What pose are you looking to advance in? LUNA: Surprisingly backbends have always been challenging for me. But the pose I'd like to truly master is the handstand. QUESTION: How would you describe your classes? LUNA: My classes are weird, playful and grounding! You can expect powerful flows combined by mindful contemplations and grounding experiences, as well as somatic release, working the body, mind, soul and spirit. On vinyasa I love giving space for people to play and have fun (arm balances, handstands) and tons of pranayama. On Yin yoga classes, meditation, restorative or sound baths, my goal is to help you release, reflect, quiet the mind and heal. QUESTION: Do you like working out at night, or during the day? Time you like to practice? LUNA: I don’t like early mornings, you will see me rarely working out at that time. I feel the most alive and energetic from 11-6pm, so usually that’s the time I practice power vinyasa or other modalities of strength training, cardio or martial arts. QUESTION: Standing one-legged poses or arm balances? Why? LUNA: I don’t even need to think about it too much to answer this question. (Laughing) Although I appreciate a full rounded practice and I learn to appreciate so many different layers of yoga, I absolutely looooove arm balances. I can safely admit they were the reason that I got into yoga in the first place. And that’s the reason you see me teaching them so much and giving plenty of opportunities for my students to play. Arm balances make me feel like a kid again. I was never a flexible person, but I have always been strong, so arm balances were my doorway to yoga. As my practice evolved I started to appreciate so many other aspects of yoga, meditation, stillness, etc. But I still love the surprise look at someone’s face when they realize how strong a woman can actually be! QUESTION: What are you looking forward to on our "The Wild Heart" Retreat? LUNA: Every single thing!! (laughs) The Wild Heart Retreat will be special!! I’m excited about every single thing we are planning, from the crafted yoga classes and workshops, to the mayan jungle, pyramid, cenotes, hikes and experiences. Plus the incredible community that is joining us!! Looking forward to connecting with like-minded people, the stunning beaches, the Mexican sun, the blue water, the daily yoga classes, meditation, journaling and breathwork. The Retreat is a true opportunity to reset, reconnect and set new goals, release, re-start, re-center. Yoga retreats have always been a true healing experience for me! I can't wait to hold space and connect with all of you! QUESTION: What do you love about Sui Yoga? LUNA: I’ve been at Sui since day one. I saw Sui grow from one studio with 2 students attending, two with a full day full schedule, 2 simultaneous studios with 45 people each. We’ve grown! And I think what is special at Sui besides the well crafted teachers and space, is that Sui provides us a place to be ourselves! We don’t ask the teachers to fit a certain box, every single one of us is so different and yet we have so much to offer. As we allow the teachers to be themselves and share their craft, we allow the students to connect with teachers on a deeper level. Sui is not meant to be a workout place, Sui is meant to be a holistic healing space, that among many things allow us to move. We aim to incorporate the true meaning of yoga, union of the body, mind and spirit. Follow Luna on Instagram HERE and check out her official website: HERE. To secure your spot to our wonderful retreat, go here: https://suiyoga.com/retreats/ Tulum Mexico… from March 31 - April 6, 2024. Villa Pescadores will be our venue… lock in NOW! WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU’RE DISAPPOINTED IN YOUR YOGA PRACTICE (This week's newsletter was composed by our dynamic on-demand teacher and full time writer Elinor Cohen. Check out her Instagram HERE and her amazingly empowering advanced & intermediate sessions on our on-demand archives.) We’re told not to get too caught up in the physical aspect of yoga, to let the “performance aspect” of it hold too much weight, but it happens to all of us. After all, who doesn’t want to do well in class? Simply put, it sucks to not feel like you didn’t have a good yoga practice. The reasons could stem from so many things. Maybe you were tired, drained, weren’t feeling energetic, or just felt really distracted. Perhaps you were dealing with a physical ailment that’s hindering your practice. Or maybe you just had a random off day. That happens, too. Whether or not you can pinpoint a reason, feeling like you had a less than stellar practice is a real bummer. So what do you do about it? First, have compassion for yourself. You are human and you can’t expect 100%, 100% of the time. That’s simply not possible. Acknowledging the reality of that is step one. Second, recognize that your practice is dynamic. That means it’s supposed to ebb and flow. It can’t be exceptional every time. Sometimes it will be fantastic, but in order for that to happen it needs to be less than exceptional at other times. After all, you wouldn’t appreciate the highs without experiencing a few lows along the way. Third, remember that yoga is not a competition. There are times when it may feel competitive, especially in the era of social media and yogi-influencers on Instagram. Try to remember that the “effortless” clips you see are just a snapshot in time. They’re often the result of hundreds of takes and don’t reflect the whole picture. Even if you consider yoga to be just a competition against yourself, that is still something worth challenging. Comparing your practice today to what you did yesterday or what you will do tomorrow will not serve you in the present. Take the pressure off and remember that performance has no place in yoga. Finally, know that the real yoga comes with taking the bad with the good. Yoga is not just a physical practice. The real yoga happens when you can accept the ever-evolving nature of your practice. It’s when you can have compassion for yourself, meet yourself where you are every day, and simply show up… that’s what it’s truly about. YOGA RETREAT -- VICYASA™ IN TULUM LET'S GO TO MEXICO! "The Wild Heart" retreat at Villa Pescadores in Tulum is right around the corner. Join Vicyasa™ & Luna Castilho March 31st - April 6th for daily yoga, excursions & much more. We'll have single rooms, shared rooms and loads of incredible options for dietary needs and anything to help your retreat one to remember. What else will we be doing? Journaling, meditation and activities along with chill time. For registration, CLICK HERE. Sui Yoga will be handling the bookings. If you have any questions, please let me know. To check out the venue, see their instagram HERE. Would love to see you in Tulum. ON-DEMAND ACCESS ONLY
Now you can subscribe to on-demand only and get access to our ever-changing archive of pre-recorded sessions. For $60 you get 30-days of on-demand accessibility. This package does not include live scheduled sessions. Upon payment, class access begins. PRIVATES: ONE-TO-ONE WORK! If you want to set up any private sessions or events, please contact me through email. You can learn more about privates: CLICK HERE! SINGLE CLASSES We've added single class purchases to our on-demand offerings. How does it work? A $17 payment will give you access to a single pre-recorded class with Victor or anyone on his staff. The private link with unique access code will give you entry to that class, which you can load anytime you want. You'll have 24-hours of unlimited access to that class. No refunds, returns and you must use that class within 24-hours of receiving it before it expires. You can request a teacher on our on-demand options... featuring Demetra Kentrotas (@d_meetch), Leanne McDermott (@leannerays ), Elinor Cohen (@elinorraerigby) and others. YOGA AT OHHHMMM LIVE VIRTUAL SCHEDULE: MONDAY: 3/4/2024 NO CLASSES TUESDAY: 3/5/2024 NO CLASSES WEDNESDAY: 3/6/2024 NO CLASSES THURSDAY: 3/7/2024 NO CLASSES FRIDAY: 3/8/2024 NO CLASSES SATURDAY: 3/9/2024 NO CLASSES SUNDAY: 3/10/2024 NO CLASSES *ALL CLASSES EST *SESSIONS 45/60 MINUTES *WAIVER STATEMENT: I understand that I must be in good physical health to participate in these classes, that my participation may cause an injury and that I should consult with my physician before I take a class. I am taking these classes at my own risk. I waive any claim for personal injury and any other damages that I may have against the school, studio and/or the teachers who are offering these classes. REGULAR RATES:(when submitting payment, in note section state email for delivery of services)
PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Vicyasa Paypal -- [email protected] NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™ |
AuthorVicyasa™, your full-time dopamine dealer ... don't allow my confidence to offend your insecurity. Archives
February 2025