“Practice makes comfort. Expand your experiences regularly so every stretch won’t feel like your first.” ― Gina Greenlee Like love, the practice of yoga expands from the inside out. And like yoga, we do the same. We live in an ever expanding universe and are meant to expand with it.
We are meant to expand our consciousness, our minds, horizons, hearts and in doing so, we can reach our all encompassing potential. Expansion is the action of courageously moving from our comfort zones and what we perceive as our discomfort zones -- the unknown. This type of growth requires openness – to new ideas and experiences, to setbacks and to letting go. Let us celebrate the action of moving from the inside out. To wake up each day with the mantra "to grow" – emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, and in our capacity to love and to feel. As for asanas (poses) let's create expansion with a bridge and wheel, half moon and triangle. Bridges can be symbolic... enabling us to safely cross through potential hazards, wheels can represent the infinite and the possibilities and opportunities to grow. Let's grow together, expand with courage and boldly open our hearts and minds. CLASSES... Yes -- we'll set-up again in Long Island City and Manhattan for scheduled classes. Enrollment emails will go out to active subscribers and spots will be limited, as we'll fill the classes first come first serve. Payment for these sessions need to be submitted in advance so we can have a roster for these events. PRIVATES: one-to-one work! If you want to set up any private sessions or events, please contact me through email. You can learn more about privates: CLICK HERE! YOGA AT OHHHMMM VIRTUAL SCHEDULE: MONDAY: 4/4/2022
*ALL CLASSES EST *SESSIONS 45/60 MINUTES *WAIVER STATEMENT: I understand that I must be in good physical health to participate in these classes, that my participation may cause an injury and that I should consult with my physician before I take a class. I am taking these classes at my own risk. I waive any claim for personal injury and any other damages that I may have against the school, studio and/or the teachers who are offering these classes. RATES:(when submitting payment, in note section state email for delivery of services)
PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Vicyasa Paypal -- [email protected] NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™
“Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” -- Oprah Winfrey There isn't a single moment that I am separated from my yoga. Maybe I spent an hour practicing asana and meditation, but there is no difference at all when I am not doing asana and meditation practice in the other hours.
I am practicing yoga when I am walking, when I am eating, when I am listening to music, when I am doing laundry. Being in the present moment, accepting the reality of the present moment now as it is, from moment to moment. Many times I wanted to do something but it was not possible at that moment, and so, we had to try again some other time. There were other times that I didn’t plan to do anything special, but things happened accordingly and we ended up doing something unexpectedly. And that is enjoying every moment of it. #Yoga There is nothing wrong exploring “what's next” with the perception of the present moment and what I think that is going to be, and at the same time, allowing the reality to be what it is even though it is not what we thought it could be. That is yoga. On and off the mat. All day. Every day. UPDATED PRICES ... Check below for our discounted prices and secure your next subscription or stack your class cards. Please be advised, all new class packs will have expiration dates. Only unlimited subs will have access to on-demand classes. We have eliminated the 2-class packs. See you on the mat beautiful yogis!!! We will also begin outdoor classes in Long Island City's Hunter's Point Park South in the coming weeks. YOGA AT OHHHMMM VIRTUAL SCHEDULE: MONDAY: 3/14/2022
*ALL CLASSES EST *SESSIONS 45/60 MINUTES *WAIVER STATEMENT: I understand that I must be in good physical health to participate in these classes, that my participation may cause an injury and that I should consult with my physician before I take a class. I am taking these classes at my own risk. I waive any claim for personal injury and any other damages that I may have against the school, studio and/or the teachers who are offering these classes. RATES:(when submitting payment, in note section state email for delivery of services)
PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Vicyasa Paypal -- [email protected] NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™ |
AuthorVicyasa™, your full-time dopamine dealer ... don't allow my confidence to offend your insecurity. Archives
February 2025