“Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else.” To reap the benefits of a yoga practice, we must practice only for ourselves and no one else. Each of us needs something distinct from our yoga practice because each yogi’s body & mind is unique.
Some of us are more lengthier. Some of us are blessed with strong arms. Some of us have a history of dance or athletics with an innate sense of balance. But no two of us have the same genetic composition. Nor do we have the same history; life experiences, injury background, childbirth, or conditioning, all which contribute to the individuality of our body and mind. And yet it is so easy to compare ourselves! When we compare our own practice to that of others we lose the personal connection to our body that is so integral to the practice of yoga. To get the most out of our practice, we need to be in touch with how our body is responding to each pose. This is called the mind-body connection. Only you can know your own body. You can listen to yourself in a way that no one else can -- not even your yoga teacher! You can enter a posture and notice if it creates undue tension in certain parts of your body. Then, you can adjust yourself to accomodate your needs. When we begin to listen to our bodies we realize that our needs are simply that: needs. They are no better or worse than anyone else’s. To create the most joy on and off our mats, we must embrace our individuality and look after the person we know best: ourselves. ON DEMAND... Unlimited subscription account holders, make sure to check your inbox for updated emails with our growing library of pre-recorded classes to meet your needs when you can't make it to a LIVE scheduled session. YOGA AT OHHHMMM VIRTUAL SCHEDULE: MONDAY: 1/31/2022
*ALL CLASSES EST *SESSIONS 45/60 MINUTES *WAIVER STATEMENT: I understand that I must be in good physical health to participate in these classes, that my participation may cause an injury and that I should consult with my physician before I take a class. I am taking these classes at my own risk. I waive any claim for personal injury and any other damages that I may have against the school, studio and/or the teachers who are offering these classes. RATES:(when submitting payment, in note section state email for delivery of services)
PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Vicyasa Paypal -- [email protected] NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™
“The body is our general medium for having a world.” It is possible to shift your perspective and feelings toward your physical body through your actions, words, and thoughts.
In our asana (poses) practice, we learn about our threshold, how we can hold space and our reactions when edging into discomfort or challenging moments. When you enter an asana, you build a foundation for yourself. After about two to three deep breaths, you begin to feel the physical sensations in the target areas of the poses. As you stay in the posture for a longer period of time the sensation or the energy begins to flow more intensely. This is where a person finds their comfort edge and we either deepen ourselves, stay right there or ease out a little bit. It's always fun to tiptoe over the edge and explore this new world of sensations within an asana you have been practicing for the past week, month or years. GIving yourself a challenge and always listening to your body is the best way to honor your amazing and very unique body throughout a yoga practice. YOGA AT OHHHMMM VIRTUAL SCHEDULE: MONDAY: 1/24/2022
*ALL CLASSES EST *SESSIONS 45/60 MINUTES *WAIVER STATEMENT: I understand that I must be in good physical health to participate in these classes, that my participation may cause an injury and that I should consult with my physician before I take a class. I am taking these classes at my own risk. I waive any claim for personal injury and any other damages that I may have against the school, studio and/or the teachers who are offering these classes. RATES:(when submitting payment, in note section state email for delivery of services)
PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Vicyasa Paypal -- [email protected] NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™ “Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed.” – Coreta Kent The journey to self-awakening, the realization of how remarkably far you have come is an enlightening moment that fills our heart with hope. Often right after - I do it often - we immediately follow that up with depressing realizations of how heartbreakingly far there is yet to go.
This is not the moment to abandon hope, but to take stock of the amazing power of the present moment. There is so much power in the experience of the "NOW" -- the present moment -- that whole spiritual disciplines have been created solely to bring us into the "now." Practicing yoga is a powerful tool that sharpens our mind so that we can see reality clearly. It is more profound than a stretching routine that helps you get limber. In essence the yoga practice seeks to answer the question of what defines the present moment and help root your consciousness directly in it. Daily yoga practice demands that we remain observant and attentive while feeling your body. Presence in yoga is grounded in the reality of the body because the body doesn't lie or delude in the same way as the mind. When your body is engaged, it helps everything else come into a present sense of awareness. There’s a lot of neuroscience that supports this. Let's spend a little more time being present with the moment—present with yourself—and know to live each moment is to bask in the glory of life. ON DEMAND... Just a reminder... Only members with UNLIMITED subscriptions [2 weeks or monthly] have access to our pre-recorded library. If you miss our LIVE airings, these on-demand sessions allow you to flow anytime you want. YOGA AT OHHHMMM VIRTUAL SCHEDULE: MONDAY: 1/17/2022
*ALL CLASSES EST *SESSIONS 45/60 MINUTES *WAIVER STATEMENT: I understand that I must be in good physical health to participate in these classes, that my participation may cause an injury and that I should consult with my physician before I take a class. I am taking these classes at my own risk. I waive any claim for personal injury and any other damages that I may have against the school, studio and/or the teachers who are offering these classes. RATES:(when submitting payment, in note section state email for delivery of services)
PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Vicyasa Paypal -- [email protected] NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™ “The medicine is in the mind, Healing & restoration begins not only when we start gearing our thoughts towards it, but when our actions reflect those thoughts as well. The mind-body connection is profound.
Yoga has been around for thousands of years, and has been used to help people find peace, healing, and well-being in their lives. The postures (asanas) that we take are often symbolic of the feelings and messages we’d like to convey, whether that’s love, openness, courage, or something else. The mind, body, and spirit are all components that are central to holistic practice, because those three entities are what make up each person’s overall happiness, health, and well-being. By building the mind-body connection, the spirit can too become more intact with a person’s needs, wants, desires, and life purpose. Building these takes time, but yoga is an excellent place to begin. YOGA AT OHHHMMM VIRTUAL SCHEDULE: MONDAY: 1/10/2022
*ALL CLASSES EST *SESSIONS 45/60 MINUTES *WAIVER STATEMENT: I understand that I must be in good physical health to participate in these classes, that my participation may cause an injury and that I should consult with my physician before I take a class. I am taking these classes at my own risk. I waive any claim for personal injury and any other damages that I may have against the school, studio and/or the teachers who are offering these classes. RATES:(when submitting payment, in note section state email for delivery of services)
PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Vicyasa Paypal -- [email protected] NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™ |
AuthorVicyasa™, your full-time dopamine dealer ... don't allow my confidence to offend your insecurity. Archives
February 2025