"Knowing is not enough; We must apply. Willing is not enough; We must do." – I hate to break it to you, but your yoga journey is never over!
Yoga is a continual practice and as your practice evolves... your life evolves. So, how do you REALLY advance your yoga/asana practice? Practice What You Resist – It’s What You Need The Most - If you are constantly looking for movement, be still in your poses and learn to hold them. If you are looking for more "advanced" expressions, practice the basics and get your foundation aligned before you misalign yourself to feed the ego. If you resist savasana or poses where ease and less effort is needed, engage in those with more frequency. Be Humble And Open To Learning - Pretty basic,right? Check your. ego at the door and always understand that you are always a student first and. forever, and there is no mastery of anything in yoga. Ask questions and be willing to learn how to get into variations of poses that suit your body's needs - Again, always understanding that there is a basic schematic to poses, but not all poses are for every-body. Use Props -- Blocks, straps and other tools for modifications accentuate poses and make the poses more accessible in a functional manner. The strongest practitioners I know always start their practice by gathering their props and using them effectively instead of shunning them thinking they are crutches or not needed. Don’t Be Afraid To Take One More Breath - Get out of your comfort zone, take one more cycle of breath, be ok with going at a varying pace... as my teacher used to say, "the pose begins when you want to get out if it!" PRACTICE EVERYDAY: Whether it's meditation, breathing work or poses... you'll never just fly into Crow for example if you don't self study and do it over and over and over again. As that above Bruce Lee quote states, just do it. Or, is that NIKE™ that says that? Oh.... and HAVE FUN! I know, I know... we take ourselves serious on the mat. I DO TOO! But being lighthearted, not as hard on yourself will have you more open to explore, sets a good mindframe for enhancing your pose work without feeling so stressed about doing it "right" or "mastering" an expression of an asana. Schedule: MONDAY -- 6/29/2020 7:00 am -- Morning Vinyasa 6:30 pm -- Vinyasa "fuego" Flow TUESDAY -- 6/30/2020 7:00 am - Wake up Vinyasa Yoga 6:45 pm - Vinyasa WEDNESDAY -- 7/1/2020 8:00 am -- Morning Vinyasa 6:30 pm -- Vinyasa THURSDAY -- 7/2/2020 8:00 am -- Vinyasa Yoga 6:30 pm -- Vinyasa FRIDAY -- 7/3/2020 7:00 am -- Morning Vinyasa SATURDAY -- 7/4/2020 10:00 am -- Sweaty Saturday Vinyasa SUNDAY -- 7/5/2020 10:00 am -- Church of Vicyasa™ *ALL CLASSES EST *ALL SESSIONS 60 MINUTES RATES: (NEW OPTIONS) Your support will be greatly appreciated. I've worked hard for months to create this seamless, streamlined and easy delivery system for all of your yoga needs. All classes will be in your inbox 15-20 minutes before start time. Log-in to the ones you want and join in on the fun!
PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Victor-Cotto-9 Paypal -- [email protected] This AMAZING community we have built would not be possible without your unwavering encouragement & fierce support! NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™
“Yoga is the artwork of awareness on the canvas of body, mind, and soul.” Yoga is a tool to help us find ease in the body, silence the occupied mind, and get in touch with our true nature. It can also be a way of helping us tap into our creative selves.
The art and science of breathing with a keen sense of awareness in our meditation and the practice of staying in control during our asana [poses] practice grant us access to the deepest places of our psyche and consciousness that arouse and trigger creative ideas to emerge, while simultaneously offering us tools to work with some of our biggest mental & emotional obstacles. Regardless of what arts, innovative or inspiring hobbies or general work you engage in that exhausts cognition, your yoga practice can fully connect you with your creative mind, body, and soul. Asana and pranayama [controlled breathing] help fuel the creative process by increasing and directing the flow of prana, the intelligent life force, through the energy conduits in our body. By mindfully observing and inspecting the full range of our experience on and off the mat, we pave a path to be more creative and embrace our authentic self. Home sweet OM: Your Yoga at OM schedule: MONDAY -- 6/22/2020 8:00 am -- Morning Vinyasa 6:30 pm -- Vinyasa Flow TUESDAY -- 6/23/2020 7:00 am - Wake up Vinyasa Yoga 6:45 pm - Vinyasa WEDNESDAY -- 6/24/2020 8:00 am -- Morning Vinyasa 6:45 pm -- Vinyasa THURSDAY -- 6/25/2020 7:00 am -- Vinyasa Yoga 6:45 pm -- Vinyasa FRIDAY -- 6/26/2020 8:00 am -- Morning Vinyasa SATURDAY -- 6/27/2020 12:15 pm -- Sweaty Saturday Vinyasa SUNDAY -- 6/28/2020 10:00 am -- Church of Vicyasa™ *ALL CLASSES EST *ALL SESSIONS 60 MINUTES RATES: (NEW OPTIONS) All classes will be in your inbox 15-20 minutes before start time. Log-in to the ones you want and join in on the fun!
PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Victor-Cotto-9 This AMAZING community we have built would not be possible without your unwavering encouragement & fierce support! NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™ “There is no moment more precious than the exact moment they are living. And that exact moment has a lot to do with how future moments play out.” It’s challenging enough to keep up a consistent wellness practice under normal circumstances.
When life becomes disordered, as it has the last few months, it can seem daunting to do the things we know we need; commit to self care and stay healthy physically and mentally. Our motivation for sustaining our practice can be gobbled up by anxiety, fear, sadness, or anger. These are the times when we most need the strength that our wellness practices teaches us how to cultivate. “Rolling out your mat” is such a useful starting point because it’s an opening ritual. This prepares us for practice and separates your focused self-care routine from the mundane activities of the rest of the day. Your mat creates a space in your life for wellness. Your mat is a sanctuary. Yoga interrupts the cycle of the stress response, and during our practice, we give the body & mind an opportunity to heal. Home sweet OM: Your Yoga at OM schedule: MONDAY -- 6/15/2020 7:00 am -- Morning Vinyasa 6:30 pm -- Vinyasa Flow TUESDAY -- 6/16/2020 8:00 am - Wake up Vinyasa Yoga 7:00 pm - Vinyasa WEDNESDAY -- 6/17/2020 7:00 am -- Morning Vinyasa 6:45 pm -- Vinyasa THURSDAY -- 6/18/2020 8:00 am -- Vinyasa Yoga 10:00 am -- Vinyasa FRIDAY -- 6/19/2020 7:00 am -- Morning Vinyasa SATURDAY -- 6/20/2020 12:00 pm -- Sweaty Saturday Vinyasa SUNDAY -- 6/21/2020 10:00 am -- Papa's Day Flow Vinyasa *ALL CLASSES EST *ALL SESSIONS 60 MINUTES RATES: (NEW OPTION)
(If you want to know how many classes you have remaining, when is your subscription date ending or any other inquiries, feel free to reply to this email. If you do not receive emails during the week when classes are about to begin, it means your subscription has ended or you don't have any more classes.) PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Victor-Cotto-9 Without your support, this AMAZING community we have built would not be possible. Your support will always be honored in my heart. NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™ The sensitive awareness of the body and the intelligence of the brain and heart should be in harmony. The brain may instruct the body to do a posture, but the heart has to feel it too. The head is the seat of intelligence; the heart is the seat of emotion. Both have to work in cooperation with the body. - BKS Iyengar Why does it feel so good when we practice ASANA (yoga poses)? The magic of asanas is that they allow the principle of unity (body and mind, body and soul, with divinity) to be initiated and experienced on a physical level, with ripple effects into mental, emotional and spiritual levels.
When we combine the practice of movement with the control of our breathing, it has a complete effect of unification. In The Heart of Yoga , DKV Desikachar states that breath and movement need to be consciously linked, as breathing is a vital tool to amalgamate the inner and outer selves: “For breath and movement to be coordinated, our mind must attentively follow their union … The rules for linking breath and movement are simple: when we contract the body we exhale and when we expand the body we inhale”. Energy flows where attention goes -- you can choose to focus on activities that connect you to a benevolent force that unifies and lovingly supports all beings. The Yoga practice has the potential to not only transform your life but, through ripple effects, it can bring many positive benefits to others. In this way you can actually become a potent force for change! Here's the schedule for this week: MONDAY -- 6/8/2020 7:00 am: Vinyasa 6:30 pm: Vinyasa TUESDAY -- 6/9/2020 8:00 am: Vinyasa 12:00 pm: Vinyasa WEDNESDAY -- 6/10/2020 7:00 am: Vinyasa 6:45 pm: Vinyasa THURSDAY -- 6/11/2020 8:00 am: Vinyasa 6:30 pm: Vinyasa FRIDAY -- 6/12/2020 7:00 am: Vinyasa 12:30 pm: Vinyasa 5:45 pm: Vinyasa SATURDAY -- 6/13/2020 12:00 pm: Vinyasa SUNDAY -- 6/14/2020 10:00 am: Vinyasa *ALL CLASSES EST *ALL SESSIONS 60 MINUTES RATES: (NEW OPTION)
PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Victor-Cotto-9 SEE YOU ON THE MAT & THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT! NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™ |
AuthorVicyasa™, your full-time dopamine dealer ... don't allow my confidence to offend your insecurity. Archives
February 2025