“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” – Stephen Hawking As we adapt to the hot season by repositioning our lifestyles to acknowledge the power of the fiery summer sun, we can mirror this on our Yoga mat as well: highlighting cooling, nourishing practices that keep our energy reserves filled for the summer fun.
Yoga is a healing art, a medicine that helps us balance nature's cycles. However, like any medicine, if not taken responsibly, it can do more harm than good. As we adapt to the hot season by not wearing heavier garments, we can adapt our Yoga practice too, during the fiery days of summer. Make sure that you are well hydrated before you unroll your mat. Wear something light and that is loving to our skin. Our pores are more open when hot and sweaty and we don’t want to invite the chemicals from textile dyes into our bloodstream. It is also important to prepare your practice space – air it out before you begin and make sure it’s as cool as it can be without using air conditioning. Choose a slower pace. If you feel a shortness of breath, slow down or relax in child's pose. Observe your breath. It has the power of cooling the body down when needed. Exhale through the mouth three times whenever you feel the need to during the practice; this has a calming, cooling and grounding effect. Be mindful about choosing a longer restorative sequence at the end of your practice. Twists are good to detox but choose the ones that are not too challenging as these will again build heat in the body. If you like to work your core... choose wisely! As we finish with style and grace, avoid long sirsasana [headstand]. Instead, stay longer with your legs up against a wall to release that summer heaviness. If you practice sitali pranayama, do three breaths to cool down before savasana. A longer savasana - 5/10 minutes at least - allowing the body to cool and soften is always a way to love yourself on the mat. $200 UNLIMITED ALL SUMMER Want yoga for the next 87 days at a discounted price? That's $2.30 a day to invest in yourself and your yoga practice. On-demand classes, unlimited live sessions for $200 and you'll have all the perks till August 31, 2023. Lock up this deal now. PRIVATES: ONE-TO-ONE WORK! If you want to set up any private sessions or events, please contact me through email. You can learn more about privates: CLICK HERE! SINGLE CLASSES We've added single class purchases to our on-demand offerings. How does it work? A $17 payment will give you access to a single pre-recorded class with Victor or anyone on his staff. The private link with unique access code will give you entry to that class, which you can load anytime you want. You'll have 24-hours of unlimited access to that class. No refunds, returns and you must use that class within 24-hours of receiving it before it expires. You can request a teacher below as well featured on our on-demand options... LOADS OF NEW ON-DEMAND CLASSES... Victor, along with Elinor Cohen [IG: @elinorraerigby] and Leanne McDermott [IG: @leannerays], have added NEW advanced/intermediate yoga sessions to the on-demand section. We've also added 60-minute sessions, along with 40-45 minute vinyasa classes for you to flow to any time of the day. To get on-demand, just subscribe to any of our UNLIMITED packages. Demetra Kentrotas [IG: @d_meetch] has fusion yoga/pilates classes, and loads of power classes of varying duration. YOGA AT OHHHMMM LIVE VIRTUAL SCHEDULE: MONDAY: 6/5/023
*ALL CLASSES EST *SESSIONS 45/60 MINUTES *WAIVER STATEMENT: I understand that I must be in good physical health to participate in these classes, that my participation may cause an injury and that I should consult with my physician before I take a class. I am taking these classes at my own risk. I waive any claim for personal injury and any other damages that I may have against the school, studio and/or the teachers who are offering these classes. REGULAR RATES:(when submitting payment, in note section state email for delivery of services)
PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Vicyasa Paypal -- [email protected] NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™
SHOULD I PRACTICE OR SHOULD I PAUSE? “Whenever you are in doubt, it is best to pause. Few things are so pressing that they cannot wait for a moment of breath.” - T.K.V. Desikachar (This week's newsletter was composed by our wonderful on-demand teacher and full time writer Elinor Cohen. Check out her Instagram HERE and her amazingly empowering advanced & intermediate sessions on our on-demand archives.) It’s no secret that we live in a world in which more is considered better. The #nodaysoff hashtag may have popped up on your Instagram feed, potentially causing you to fall into the “rest is for the weary” lie of a mindset. We’ve been conditioned to believe that pushing through is always preferred, but when we take a step back and reflect on what is right for us in our bodies, the truth is that this might not be the case.
Ask yourself: should I practice or should I pause? This can be asked before you roll out your mat or in the middle of a yoga class. Should I practice this pose, this sun salutation, this sequence…or should I pause? Yoga is not about going through the motions without assessing what you need. Instead, perhaps the real yoga begins when we step away from the mat for a day or two. Pausing may give your physical body and your intellectual mind a chance to rinse off so when you return to your mat, it is with a fresh and rejuvenated perspective. Sometimes a day away is all you need to come back with an even more strongly reignited fire for your love of the practice. Signs it may be time to pause:
The wisest yogi is the one who knows when to practice and when to pause. SALE... $2.58 A DAY TO INVEST YOUR MIND/BODY Get multiple months of LIVE & On-demand yoga... for $155! If you're currently inactive or want to extend your subscription, you can grab 2 months of UNLIMITED live sessions and access to our on-demand classes. Membership will activate upon payment. Grab this great deal NOW... it'll only last 48-hours upon receiving this email. PRIVATES: ONE-TO-ONE WORK! If you want to set up any private sessions or events, please contact me through email. You can learn more about privates: CLICK HERE! OUTDOOR CLASSES... Long Island City's Hunter's Point Park (Oval Field) will be our location AGAIN for our scenic and blissful yoga sessions outdoors, along with dates in Manhattan's Central Park. We'll be flowing soon outside... emails will be sent for registration. Contact Victor to secure your spot. The weather has turned... Let's lay out in the sun, flow and practice in front of the NYC skyline. SINGLE CLASSES We've added single class purchases to our on-demand offerings. How does it work? A $17 payment will give you access to a single pre-recorded class with Victor or anyone on his staff. The private link with unique access code will give you entry to that class, which you can load anytime you want. You'll have 24-hours of unlimited access to that class. No refunds, returns and you must use that class within 24-hours of receiving it before it expires. You can request a teacher below as well featured on our on-demand options... LOADS OF NEW ON-DEMAND CLASSES... Victor, along with Elinor Cohen [IG: @elinorraerigby] and Leanne McDermott [IG: @leannerays], have added NEW advanced/intermediate yoga sessions to the on-demand section. We've also added 60-minute sessions, along with 40-45 minute vinyasa classes for you to flow to any time of the day. To get on-demand, just subscribe to any of our UNLIMITED packages. Demetra Kentrotas [IG: @d_meetch] has fusion yoga/pilates classes, and loads of power classes of varying duration. YOGA AT OHHHMMM LIVE VIRTUAL SCHEDULE: MONDAY: 5/29/023 - Memorial Day
*ALL CLASSES EST *SESSIONS 45/60 MINUTES *WAIVER STATEMENT: I understand that I must be in good physical health to participate in these classes, that my participation may cause an injury and that I should consult with my physician before I take a class. I am taking these classes at my own risk. I waive any claim for personal injury and any other damages that I may have against the school, studio and/or the teachers who are offering these classes. REGULAR RATES:(when submitting payment, in note section state email for delivery of services)
PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Vicyasa Paypal -- [email protected] NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™ “Can words describe the fragrance of the very breath of spring?” – Neltje Blanchan Spring is an opportunity for renewal and rebirth — for planting seeds to nurture, and witnessing the unending cycle of growth and change.
Start your day by drinking a glass of water (add a splash of lemon and ginger) to invigorate your liver, enhance your digestion and help clear out any accumulated mucus. Throughout the day, hydrate to further nourish your liver and gallbladder. Spring yoga classes will also help you create space in your body for the new, wringing out sluggishness accumulated over winter and releasing frustration and anger, emotions associated with imbalances. Finish your practice with focused yin, longer-held postures to stimulate energy flow to the liver by targeting the liver and gallbladder meridian lines: the channels through which chi or prana (your body’s vital force) flows. View every yoga class as a fresh start. Forget what came before and don’t worry about what might come next. Take every class—or for that matter every asana and every breath—as a chance to be something entirely new. SALE... $2.58 A DAY TO INVEST YOUR MIND/BODY Get multiple months of LIVE & On-demand yoga... for $155! If you're currently inactive or want to extend your subscription, you can grab 2 months of UNLIMITED live sessions and access to our on-demand classes. Membership will activate upon payment. Grab this great deal NOW... it'll only last 48-hours upon receiving this email. PRIVATES: ONE-TO-ONE WORK! If you want to set up any private sessions or events, please contact me through email. You can learn more about privates: CLICK HERE! OUTDOOR CLASSES... Long Island City's Hunter's Point Park (Oval Field) will be our location AGAIN for our scenic and blissful yoga sessions outdoors, along with dates in Manhattan's Central Park. We'll be flowing soon outside... emails will be sent for registration. Contact Victor to secure your spot. The weather has turned... Let's lay out in the sun, flow and practice in front of the NYC skyline. SINGLE CLASSES We've added single class purchases to our on-demand offerings. How does it work? A $17 payment will give you access to a single pre-recorded class with Victor or anyone on his staff. The private link with unique access code will give you entry to that class, which you can load anytime you want. You'll have 24-hours of unlimited access to that class. No refunds, returns and you must use that class within 24-hours of receiving it before it expires. You can request a teacher below as well featured on our on-demand options... LOADS OF NEW ON-DEMAND CLASSES... Victor, along with Elinor Cohen [IG: @elinorraerigby] and Leanne McDermott [IG: @leannerays], have added NEW advanced/intermediate yoga sessions to the on-demand section. We've also added 60-minute sessions, along with 40-45 minute vinyasa classes for you to flow to any time of the day. To get on-demand, just subscribe to any of our UNLIMITED packages. Demetra Kentrotas [IG: @d_meetch] has fusion yoga/pilates classes, and loads of power classes of varying duration. YOGA AT OHHHMMM LIVE VIRTUAL SCHEDULE: MONDAY: 5/22/023
*ALL CLASSES EST *SESSIONS 45/60 MINUTES *WAIVER STATEMENT: I understand that I must be in good physical health to participate in these classes, that my participation may cause an injury and that I should consult with my physician before I take a class. I am taking these classes at my own risk. I waive any claim for personal injury and any other damages that I may have against the school, studio and/or the teachers who are offering these classes. REGULAR RATES:(when submitting payment, in note section state email for delivery of services)
PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Vicyasa Paypal -- [email protected] NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™ “Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open."― B.K.S. Iyengar To help us harmonize with this season and harness the spring energy, yoga and Ayurvedic practices are designed to melt the sludge and heaviness of winter. They help cleanse and remove built-up residue in the mind and body to release what is no longer needed and make room for growth and expansion.
While yoga always places a high value on purification of body and mind, spring is especially focused on release. You can enhance this by including poses that stimulate and revitalize the liver and large intestine to release toxins and brighten up. This week we'll focus on warming flows, twists, side leans, and mild inversions. We will build natural heat gradually to help generate sweat and naturally detoxify your body. Just as the darkness of winter changes to the rebirth of spring, so do we. Staying connected to your body and breath during this time will help you harness the inner wisdom and insight that solitude brings. With this clarity, you too can spring into action by bringing your insight to fruition. Honoring this transition in your yoga practice can help to ease you into this revitalizing season. SALE... $2.58 A DAY TO INVEST YOUR MIND/BODY Get multiple months of LIVE & On-demand yoga... for $155! If you're currently inactive or want to extend your subscription, you can grab 2 months of UNLIMITED live sessions and access to our on-demand classes. Membership will activate upon payment. Grab this great deal NOW... it'll only last 48-hours upon receiving this email. PRIVATES: ONE-TO-ONE WORK! If you want to set up any private sessions or events, please contact me through email. You can learn more about privates: CLICK HERE! OUTDOOR CLASSES... Long Island City's Hunter's Point Park (Oval Field) will be our location AGAIN for our scenic and blissful yoga sessions outdoors, along with dates in Manhattan's Central Park. We'll be flowing soon outside... emails will be sent for registration. Contact Victor to secure your spot. The weather has turned... Let's lay out in the sun, flow and practice in front of the NYC skyline. SINGLE CLASSES We've added single class purchases to our on-demand offerings. How does it work? A $17 payment will give you access to a single pre-recorded class with Victor or anyone on his staff. The private link with unique access code will give you entry to that class, which you can load anytime you want. You'll have 24-hours of unlimited access to that class. No refunds, returns and you must use that class within 24-hours of receiving it before it expires. You can request a teacher below as well featured on our on-demand options... LOADS OF NEW ON-DEMAND CLASSES... Victor, along with Elinor Cohen [IG: @elinorraerigby] and Leanne McDermott [IG: @leannerays], have added NEW advanced/intermediate yoga sessions to the on-demand section. We've also added 60-minute sessions, along with 40-45 minute vinyasa classes for you to flow to any time of the day. To get on-demand, just subscribe to any of our UNLIMITED packages. Demetra Kentrotas [IG: @d_meetch] has fusion yoga/pilates classes, and loads of power classes of varying duration. YOGA AT OHHHMMM LIVE VIRTUAL SCHEDULE: MONDAY: 5/15/2023
*ALL CLASSES EST *SESSIONS 45/60 MINUTES *WAIVER STATEMENT: I understand that I must be in good physical health to participate in these classes, that my participation may cause an injury and that I should consult with my physician before I take a class. I am taking these classes at my own risk. I waive any claim for personal injury and any other damages that I may have against the school, studio and/or the teachers who are offering these classes. REGULAR RATES:(when submitting payment, in note section state email for delivery of services)
PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Vicyasa Paypal -- [email protected] NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™ WHAT IS THE RIGHT TYPE OF YOGA FOR ME? (This week's newsletter was composed by our wonderful on-demand teacher and full time writer Elinor Cohen. Check out her Instagram HERE and her amazingly empowering advanced & intermediate sessions on our on-demand archives.) Have you ever stopped to think about whether the type of yoga you’re practicing really serves you? Or if there is another form that might work better for you on a different day, at a different time, or in a different circumstance?
Yoga comes in a multitude of varieties. While hatha yoga may be the oldest to date, many other forms have branched off from the original version to bring us the current buffet of options we enjoy today. Popular styles include hatha, vinyasa, Iyengar, bikram, kundalini, and yin, but the list doesn’t stop there. The modern world in which we live has new forms of the practice popping up everywhere. With so much variety, why just stick to one? The different lineages of yoga each serve their own unique purpose. Some, like vinyasa, are more geared towards flexibility, while others such as hatha, focus more on breath work. Yin yoga, for example, prioritizes long holds to get deep into the fascia. The beauty of knowing about the different forms of yoga is that you can choose what’s right for you based on your mood, your day, and your position in life. The way we feel varies day to day; similarly, the type of yoga we practice can as well. When deciding the type of yoga that is right for you, consider the following questions: What do you want to get out of it? Do you need more grounding? Do you need more energy? Do you need more structure? (ashtanga). Do you need more freedom? (vinyasa). Perhaps you need to sit still. That, too, is yoga in its most fundamental sense. The Vicyasa™ platform offers several styles and levels of yoga, available for practitioners of all abilities. Find the one that speaks to you. SALE... $2.58 A DAY TO INVEST YOUR MIND/BODY Get multiple months of LIVE & On-demand yoga... for $155! If you're currently inactive or want to extend your subscription, you can grab 2 months of UNLIMITED live sessions and access to our on-demand classes. Membership will activate upon payment. Grab this great deal NOW... it'll only last 48-hours upon receiving this email. PRIVATES: ONE-TO-ONE WORK! If you want to set up any private sessions or events, please contact me through email. You can learn more about privates: CLICK HERE! OUTDOOR CLASSES... Long Island City's Hunter's Point Park (Oval Field) will be our location AGAIN for our scenic and blissful yoga sessions outdoors, along with dates in Manhattan's Central Park. We'll be flowing soon outside... emails will be sent for registration. Contact Victor to secure your spot. The weather has turned... Let's lay out in the sun, flow and practice in front of the NYC skyline. SINGLE CLASSES We've added single class purchases to our on-demand offerings. How does it work? A $17 payment will give you access to a single pre-recorded class with Victor or anyone on his staff. The private link with unique access code will give you entry to that class, which you can load anytime you want. You'll have 24-hours of unlimited access to that class. No refunds, returns and you must use that class within 24-hours of receiving it before it expires. YOGA AT OHHHMMM LIVE VIRTUAL SCHEDULE: MONDAY: 5/8/2023
*ALL CLASSES EST *SESSIONS 45/60 MINUTES *WAIVER STATEMENT: I understand that I must be in good physical health to participate in these classes, that my participation may cause an injury and that I should consult with my physician before I take a class. I am taking these classes at my own risk. I waive any claim for personal injury and any other damages that I may have against the school, studio and/or the teachers who are offering these classes. REGULAR RATES:(when submitting payment, in note section state email for delivery of services)
PAYMENT: VENMO -- @Vicyasa Paypal -- [email protected] NAMASTE, Victor Cotto www.YogaWithVictor.com Instagram: CottoVic Facebook: Yoga With Victor - Vicyasa™ |
AuthorVicyasa™, your full-time dopamine dealer ... don't allow my confidence to offend your insecurity. Archives
February 2025